Long-lived cool-season native bunchgrass. Used primarily for reclamation and erosion control.
Drought tolerant perennial best used for grazing all classes of livestock. A combination of creeping and tap roots helps this variety withstand heavy grazing.
Long-lived, sod-forming perennial with a well-developed root system making it ideal for dryland/drought areas. Palatable during early growth, when mature leaves and stem become woody.
Drought tolerant sod-forming perennial ideal for erosion control and reclamation projects. Not recommended for grazing or pasture blends.
Perennial bunchgrass with dense fibrous roots. With a life span of only 3 to 4 years, Slender blends well with other grasses that take time to establish.
Cool-season bunchgrass that grows in elevations between 2,500 and 10,000 feet. Highly palatable all season, however, does not tolerate heavy foot traffic or over gazing.
Densely tufted, perennial bunchgrass that reaches heights of 1 to 3 feet.
Cool-season bunchgrass that germanates fast making it ideal for wildfire vegetation, reclamation, and erosion control.
Drought-tolerant, cool season grass bunchgrass. Grows well in sandy, gravelly soils with an annual precipitation of 8 to 24 inches. Palatability is excellent in early growing stages then reduces as it cures.
Dense sod-forming perennial adapted to most well-drained soils. With many cultivars available it is used extensively for turf.
Long-lived perennial bunchgrass that reaches heights of 2 to 4 feet. Early spring growth competes with winter annual weeds. When properly managed it will crowd out cheatgrass.
Drought-tolerant, medium lived perennial that grows in elevations up to 11,500 feet. Commonly used in restoration mixes as well as revegetating mined lands.
Long-lived perennial bunchgrass widely used for pasture and hay production. complements many mixes and legumes, providing high-quality hay.
Perennial bunchgrass occurring in all soil textures. Good palatability to livestock and big game. Turf-types provide long-lasting traffic tolerant lawns.
Drought-resistant bunchgrass that is ideal for low maintenance cover along highways and forest trails. Not used for hay or grazing purposes.
Sod-forming perennial with a massive root system. This high-yielding grass maintains a high protein level making it ideal for a single-cut hay system.
Perennial bunchgrass that grows in elevations between 500 and 6,000 feet. Good choice for increasing grazing season, and shows good regrowth after cutting.
Extremely drought and cold tolerant perennial bunchgrass. High forage yield and good palability while still green.
Quick establishing perennial bunchgrass with excellent regrowth qualities. Highly palatable to all classes of livestock make it a good choice for pasture and hay.
Cool-season bunchgrass with a quick establishment making it ideal for early spring grazing or temporary pasture.
Extremely drought and cold tolerant perennial bunchgrass. High forage yield and good palability while still green.
Perennial bunchgrass adapted to deep moderately moist sites. Excellent companion grass when planted with legumes. Palatable to all classes of livestock.
Cool-season, long-lived perennial with good drought-tolerance. Good soil builder due to high levels of roots. Good palatability for livestock and wildlife. Also offers good nest coverage for birds.
Moderately drought-tolerant sod-forming perennial. Excellent root system while sustaining high yields.
This is only a shortlist of the products we have. We specialize in finding the perfect seed for your project.
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